Friday, October 23, 2009

Mumbai Yours or Mine???

Mumbai the city of dreams for thousands who migrate everyday from their respective villages and states. To them this is the place which will give them financial stability, growth and success. They come to this magical world with a lot of dreams, hopes and ambitions. They struggle really hard by staying on rent even in a room as small as a bathroom, eat just once a day, compromise by traveling in crowded buses and trains and sometimes by walking long distances.Some are fooled by politicians, some by rich people in the pretext of giving them a job, some end up becoming bar girls and for some lucky ones... their prayers are answered. Their dreams come true, their problems are solved. They are finally able to live their kind of life which they had imagined while they were living in the small town, before moving to Mumbai. With success and prosperity coming their way, they end up becoming a permanent resident of Mumbai and bring along their family members and close friends.

Now we come to the residents - We are born here, study in the best colleges of Mumbai, get a whole bunch of contacts, give interviews, manage to get a job and slog day in and day out. And in the bargain, end up paying heavy taxes; stand in ques everywhere, right from malls to bus stops.
We have a first class ticket, but hardly get the comfort of sitting on the cushioned seat, as most of the time we are hanging out of the compartment. There is crowd everywhere in this city. People from everywhere are coming and settling down here, except the residents.
Why does it happen that someone who is a total stranger to Mumbai get their work done easily and many of us who know every nook and corner of this city are still struggling our way out.
Is it because they leave their responsibilities and come here selfishly to fulfill their dreams, on the other hand we try to balance work and family by staying close to our loved ones ?

Or is it because they are ready to do the odd jobs which probably we would not do,as we don’t have answers to the questions like “What will the society say?”.

In both the scenarios ... we have people struggling and giving their best. If they are lucky they get the best...if not they get the worst...

Inspite of knowing all this...we still fight... saying Mumbai is not yours..its mine...


harshada said...

i bet if v were sent to a place away from home even v would have been that driven. u wanna c a person sky rocket light a fire below is behind n then c him shoot into the air.
another reason for our laid back attitude could be that being born n brought up here v have taken this city for granted... that v may get out due sooner or later... neither v nor this city is going anywhr... whr as they have left everything behind n come here with the sole motive of making the cut... they dont have a plan b v do... v dont fear them per se just their agressive attitudes that would may be snatch away 1 of our jobs... complacency has seeped so deep within us that v wud resent any1 or anything that wud keep us on our toes... y dont y rather rise up to the calenge than spend our precious energy complaining is wht i dont get... let there be jungle law, let it actually be the survival of the fittest... every individual shud have the same kinda oppotunities... snatching away the chance for a better life from a person just coz he is not born in the same region as u is mind numbingly ridiculous... n then v have the audacity to sit n cry about racial discrimination against Indians in foriegn countries when v dont spare our own...

nice subject u chose this time saps
i hope ppl r expressive enuf tho

harshada said...

was an awesome read gal.
keep up the good wrk.
quiet thought provoking subjects u chose.