Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy Independence Day

Come with me Ill take U to a place where everything is beautiful,

Where people sing & dance to every tune,

Where in Diwali we distribute sweets to everyone,

In Ramzan we pray for the forgiveness of our sins,

And in Christmas we welcome Baby Jesus in our lives.

Come with me Ill take U to a place where people die for each other,

In bomb blasts or in rains, you are never left alone,

Someone will be there who'll tell U "Dont worry,I'm with U",

When U are tired standing in the crowded train there will be someone who'll offer you their seat.

Come with me Ill take to this spiritual place,

Where when a new PC is bought home we put a kumkum & break a coconut before it,

Whenever we cross a temple, mosque or church we stop & pray,

When its our birthday we take the blessings of all the elders in the family,

If someone's suffering our heart says a small prayer.

Come with me Ill take you to a land of freedom fighters,

Where some were quiet & some made noise,

And together they fought till their last breath,

This is the place where our Past sacrificed their Present to make our Future secure,

Where even today we salute our soldiers who are protecting our country at the border,

Who gave up their dreams so that we can sleep peacefully in our homes.

Come with me Ill take U to India -

My World, My Country, My Home,

Where every human being would proudly say---

" I am an Indian "....


Sachin said...

I like this poem very much. Well thought out and from the heart.
You have a good talent for writing. Please do continue it.

Sapna - Just a Dream said...

Thank you for ur feedback

JoNaS said...

Hmmm very patriotic and traditional come u wrote this ...nice work keep it

Shenoya said...

enjoyed reading every single line. d poem was actually true. keep up d good work.i liked it a lot n i never thought u would b so creative. ur truely a beautiful poet!!! Shenu