Another night where our brave officials gave up their lives for our us. Our brave ATS officials Hemant Karkare, Vijay Salaskar and Ashok Kamte sacrificed their lives, while trying to solve the terror which happened on that dreadful night of 26th Nov 08. May be they were on the hitlist or may be it was their destiny. But the most suprising thing to be noticed is that they were killed by a bunch of 20-25 year-olds.The so called terrorists were successful in destroying the main pillars of our police force. Their motive was to kill people, create terror in the city. What we called the pride of our city The TAJ and The Oberoi is today in the hands of some outsiders who are ruining it completely.
Since the last 2 days there have been a large number of people who have laid down their lives trying to save the others. This includes the common man as well as the policemen. Our soldiers are still fighting, trying their best to destroy them completely. Our brave policemen who gave up their lives will always be remembered .Mumbai will never be able to forget 2008.
Even now we have our army and navy officers who have entered these places. We are still unaware as to how many of them are still alive inside.
But they are fighting, though they do not have the best of the weapons, or the latest techniques. They are very weak compared to the terrorists, but they have still gone in to take revenge from these “outsiders”, to show them that their death has come near and they do not have an option but to die as a loser, as a coward who only targeted the innocent people, they have gone inside to fix their appointment with God.
the last thing those a-holes can do is blame each other for it all now… dey’d rther stand united in troubled times like dese
n y those cops just rushed in was coz at first der was just firing outside vt station.. so probably they thot its just an ongoing gang war.. n mumbai cops r all pros in handling gangs, especially encounters - real or fake…
dey had a double edged sword hanging over their heads.. coz
if dey didnt do wht dey did ppl wud also turn back to ask wht the hell is the ATS doing. so at tht point of time dey did wht dey thot was their best option. lead from the front. may the lord bless their souls. n nevertheless a thot spared for their poor families. they r our heroes n all respect to them. it didnt take a man 15 mins to go from a charged up rodent killer to a martyr whilst efforts to protect his city, his home. he took a bullet in his head
whts gets ur attn though is dat all dese men-so called 20-25 yr olds - r all qualified ppl with handsome backgrounds, so ofcourse dey aint doing it for money for sure.
wht else dis goes to show is dat wht systematic brain washing can actually do to a person
i mean wen u take a birds eye view to the entire thing, wht 1 tends to notice is dat this is a 1 of its kind terrorist attack dat was done on sucha huge scale n has gone on for so long. which means tht, for the alleged 3 months tht they trained to do this - all tht while dey were clear in their heads tht they have to take maximum lifes, coz maximum damage n go on n on for as long as possible
n hence u do not c dem wasting ammunition. or or indulging in unnecessary unleashing or any stupid moves.. every single thing is well thot out n planned. which now proves tht the sole motive is to kill the so caled undying mumbai spirit-which by the way is more a result of lack of options but to hop back to normalcy.
dey have decided tht they wudnt let us talk abt any kinda spirit ever agn.
+ its more of a finacial terror than anything else. coz if it was only abt terrorism dey wuda -like they always did-targetted the common man. but no this time they decided to take the bull by its horns n go for the big wigs.
mebbe now tht the fire has burned the rich guys ass d government may take xtreme measures
Truly a sad but proud moment.
Where are the Shiv Sainiks at a time like this?
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